You can’t control everything.

Adri Lorusso - Canal Vini & Adri
3 min readMay 16, 2024
Photo by Alexandr Podvalny on Unsplash

“No matter how much you scream, kick; you won’t control the storm.”

No matter how hard we try, we can’t control everything. This realization was a turning point in my life.

Similarly to how it’s easier to blame others and find excuses, like “the government is no good.”

Accepting what I can’t control brought me some relief. Bringing the responsibility for my mistakes to myself is an ongoing job, as it’s much easier to change myself than others.

I don’t have the power to end corruption in my country, but I can choose to live honestly. Pay attention to others, but I can’t force others to pay attention to me.

If I take action, I want to do it for myself, not for what others will think.

Don’t Compare

Oh boy, how hard this is.

I remember school days, where grades separated the “good” from the “bad” students. As if a grade on paper would define our level of intelligence.

At the same time, just because you feel like giving 100% to your relationship, dedicating some time to your well-being with meditation practice, writing in your diary, exercising, and spending quality time with your family, it doesn’t mean everyone around you will do the same.

