6 Habits to Help You Read More Books

Adri Lorusso - Canal Vini & Adri
5 min readMay 27, 2024
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

If I were to list the most common complaints I hear, the lack of time to read would definitely top the list. It’s no wonder this is one of my most sought-after mentorship topics. It’s not about teaching you to read more books, but about prioritizing and organizing your time better.

To help you choose what to do, when to do it, and how to do it!

Reading to Grow

Reading is one of those habits that only helps. It strengthens development, writing, your command of language (or the language you’re reading in). It enriches vocabulary, teaches a skill, sparks creativity, and much more.

Every time I need inspiration, I turn to books and notes from past readings. It never fails! It’s always a flood of ideas.

Reading books, not just random online articles, is especially useful. An article can be written in an afternoon, while most books take years. The result is that reading a book keeps you more focused on a topic than shorter texts.

Books, however, are also harder to read. They require patience and attention, which are often in short supply.

So, it makes sense to highlight some specific strategies to increase the number of books you read. Let’s…

